Friday, October 17, 2008

It's Friday!

Well - Friday is here! We are heading to Clover for the weekend. I'm going to the Clemson game! Yeah! The pattern continues - the day we go to Clover it rains! I hate driving in the rain. Preston is some better. He has strep throat. The one day I can sleep in during the school week - McCarter gets up at 5:58. Don't you just love them!

We are gearing up for our big move. Trying to decide dates and the logistics of the whole thing. Contacting movers, trying to find a house to live in, when to go, how to travel, and on and on! I'll almost be glad when January gets here so it will be over. No more planning for it! :)

Have a great weekend! Go TIGERS!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Clemson Days

Preston with the Little Tiger at the game in Charlotte (Panthers Stadium) 2007.
McCarter and the Tiger at the CU vs. Maryland game Sept. 2008. McCarter and Buff checking out the orange!
The most exciting moments of college football! Tigers getting ready to run down the hill!
What a perfect day!

More pictures of MN

This is a little park in downtown Alexandria. It is very quiet - but I'm sure once the Kirksey boys chase the ducks it won't be anymore!
This is a Minnesota beach. Now can you see my crazy family here for the day? We'd need 2 beaches just for all of our stuff!!!!!

Alexandria Pictures

Here are a few pictures from MN. As you can see, there are lots of lakes!

Mini New York???

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Away from the Kids

Well Ryan and I are in MN this weekend on a job interview. We flew in yesterday in Min., MN. It took about 2 hours to get to Alexanderia. It has been pretty rainy up here these last few days. The locals say they need the rain, so I guess that's okay. We saw some houses today. Very different than the south. But we did see a few we liked. Ryan's formal interview is tomorrow, so I guess what will be will be!

It's very pretty here. There are so many lakes and "beaches". It's not what we southerners call
beaches, but I guess we'll let them think they are beaches.

I'm on the phone with McCarter now. He's not real thrilled with our being away and him at home with Bon Bon. Only two more nights away and we'll be back. I can tell this is a little stressful on the homefront! (on all of us - even those not there)

Keep us in your thoughts as we are making these life changing decisions. We are doing the best we can!

Sunday, August 31, 2008


McCarter and I were taking a shower this morning getting ready for church and the famous question came about. "What are those big things"? I replied - what are you talking about? He then pointed to my bottom. I told him that was my "bottom". Then with a sweet smile he said "Maybe one day when I'm big I can have a big bottom like you". I told him I'm sure he could!

Good Intentions

I know the old saying, but I am going to intend to keep this site updated with our family events and excitement. Tiffany H., a former parent, inspired me to do this. I know if she can do it with toddler twins and a 4th grader - I certainly can too! I hope to include funny stories from/about the boys and what's going on in their little lives. With family not right next door, this may be the glue to keep us all strong! Be patient as I learn and try to fit it in to my already crazy schedule. But if you know me, you know if I want to do it - I will!